
Friday, March 29, 2013

9 Months old! Doctors Visit, Dairy Update, New Diapers, New foods

My precious little boy is 9 months old! I am shocked at how fast time has gone.

Since last week, he has put himself onto his tummy more (especially at daycare) and I am hoping that his crawling skills will improve. Right now he is able to push himself backwards but he doesn't go very far.

Liam is such a flirt and really loves people. We were in the grocery store (in his new shopping cart cover) and he was just smiling at everyone walking by. If they happened to notice his gummy smile, they would make a comment and he would tilt his head while smiling. Very cute.

On his 9 month birthday, we went to the doctor and he had the usual check-up (minus the shots). He is 29.5" tall, 23.5lbs and besides a slight touch of eczema on his forehead, a clean bill of health. We spoke of solids and his doctor said that he can eat anything except honey and a choking hazard. She mentioned again (same as his last appointment) that the high allergy foods should be tried before he is 1. We also talked about his dairy intolerance. I told her that I had incorporated dairy back into my diet and that besides green poops, he seems fine. She suggested that I try him on yogurt and cheese to see how he does. I went out and bought the yobaby stoneyfield baby yogurt (blueberry) and he loved it. What was even better.... NO REACTION! Besides his constipation, he is doing great on solid food. I am still making most of his food and he has like 95% of what I have been giving him.

Lately his night-time cloth diapers have been driving me crazy. Every couple of days, they will leak around 4am and I will have to change him, his diaper and the bedding. I decided to try two new cloth diapers. If they go well, I will write a review in more detail. The first is an itti bitti boo fitted diaper and the second is a sustainablebabyish (sbish for short) prefold with cover. I have yet to use a prefold on Liam but plan to just fold it up in the diaper cover instead of putting it on him.

Lastly, this weekend is Easter. My mother in law will be here and we plan to have a nice Easter. We also plan to plant a couple of rose bushes out in the garden. The weather is getting nicer and it is finally starting to feel like spring.