
Thursday, December 27, 2012

6 Months!

Bright and happy after his morning nap in his Christmas PJs.
Today my little man is 6 months old!!!! I can't believe how fast time has gone by. This past Tuesday was Christmas as well as my Mom's birthday. We spent the entire morning cleaning in anticipation for her and my step-dad's arrival.

Below are some images of our house (White Christmas!), Liam opening gifts, and my parents. It was also his first time eating solids! He had sweet potatoes and LOVED them. He couldn't get enough and kept shoving the spoon back into his mouth.

Sleep training has been going great and although he still wakes up quite often at night, he is able to go to sleep completely awake without any crying, as well as take two naps (again fully awake with no crying). His naps usually last anywhere from 45mins to 2 hours. I try to get him to take three naps but it's usually two. Ideally he is up for 2.5-3 hours before he goes down for a nap and we do the same routine (previously mentioned). The routine really helps.

My little man is not so little anymore. He has now officially graduated to 12 month clothes and probably weighs over 20lbs. Thankfully he got so many wonderful presents for Christmas including a slew of outfits.

Our House on Christmas Day
My friend made him a plate "cookies for Santa" and a "Santa's Milk" glass.
Liam with Grandma. It was her birthday and they were both opening up presents.

Liam and I with his new toy, Sophie
First taste of food! He was LOVING those sweet potatoes!
All gone! He had about 4 spoonfuls and did really well. You can barely see those two little teeth at the bottom (but they are there!).