It has been hard trying to figure out what to eat in the mornings. I decided to do some baking yesterday and baked a loaf of carrot/zucchini bread. It came out moist, delicious and was pretty easy to put together. The recipe made so much that I cut up the load into 14 slices and froze half for next week's breakfast. For those who are interested, the recipe can be found here (I added carrots to mine and omitted the nuts. I also did half whole wheat, half unbleached white flour). It was fun to bake but not like it used to be. My hands kept seizing up both as I grated and then stirred all the ingredients. Earlier, I had told my husband that I wanted to bake an apple pie, but in hindsight, I don't think I would be able to make the crust without a food processor. We are planing to get one in due time (a food processor, not an apple pie).
I saw my rhuemtologist for the first time yesterday. She was very nice and we sat for an hour, going over symptoms and medication. She is putting me on a new medication called plaquenil (anti-maleria drug) and has referred me to an ophthalmologist (yet one more doctor) as it can cause eye damage in some. They like to do an eye exam within 3 months of when you start the medication and then have you go for checkups every 6 months. Thankfully, most eye damage that it does cause it reversed in 6 months if caught early and the medication is stopped. I made my appointment today for the ophthalmologist and they all seemed very nice in there. The converstation when something like:
Me: I would like to make an appoinment for an eye exam.
Receptionist: Routine?
Me: No, my rhuematologist referred me.
Receptionist: Oh, you must be starting plaquenil.
Me: Yup
We then preceded to talk about my condition and then it lead to small talk. She was very friendly and I just hope that the doctor is just as nice. My appointment, however isn't until the end of October, which I find a bit annoying. It is nice, however, that their office is right down the street from home, and in the same building as all my other doctors (minus my pcp).
I just wanted to end the post on the importance of keeping a schedule.We have been getting into a great schedule over the past two weeks and it has really helped with both Liam napping as well as sleeping through the night. He knows that he gets a bottle when he first wakes up, then downstairs for breakfast. He starts to get antsy around the time when we are suppose to be heading to daycare. After daycare, we get home late afternoon and he knows dinner is at 5. Then is bath, sippy, and bed by 6/6:30.
This schedule works great except on the weekends when there is no daycare. Last weekend he was all confused and kept running over to the babygate to get out. I finally decided that we were to do our grocery shopping and he seemed happy to get out of the house. Also on the weekends, he still wakes up at 5:30/6am, which means, we are up as well. This provides us with the opportunity to eat breakfast together and then go for a morning walk before the sun gets too hot. Once work starts, I hope to stick to this schedule. It will be a little different Tuesdays and Thursdays (I go in earlier) but hopefully it won't be too much of an adjustment.